Saturday, February 25, 2012

Strongest Run On Record

This morning as I woke up after a refreshing and much needed 9 hours of sleep, I felt ready to run.  My quads were sore from Thursday nights kettlebell class, but I was looking forward to a nice, easy run.  I knew it would be tough because although it was 37 degrees outside, the wind was blowing strong with up to 40 mile an hour gusts.

When I got to our meet up at Potomac River Running Store the wind was still strong and not letting up, but 20 mins later as we started to walk down to the trailhead, well it was snowing.  My running buddy, Brooke and I were not expected that.  We were pretty excited as we started our run so we had to document it:

Definitely windy, but can you see the snow???

It was a tough beginning to our run.  We were cold, no hats, not many layers, and only she had gloves, but we wanted to get this 14 mile run done with.  Our plan was to keep it nice and easy, but strong.  We started running West toward Leesburg and the wind hit us every step, but we pushed on.  It took us a few miles to get into our run, running the first three miles at 10:03, 10:05, and 9:58.  The longer we ran, the stronger we got.  We had to remind each other that this was supposed to be an easy run, not a run that is pushing race pace.  As we ran, we talked about life and some personal things that really meant a lot.  She has not just become a running partner, but a good friend that I come to value and cherish, especially her advice and support during our long runs.  While we ran we began to reflect on our past runs and about how a few months ago we would have never imagined running this pace.  We were feeling great, the sun was starting to shine, but we still had the wind in our face!

When we got to out turnaround point at 7 miles we took a break and waited while our two other friends, Jeff and Russell, met up with us.  The four of us decided to run the last 7 miles together.  As we began our run back we wanted to the it easy so we decided that we needed to remind ourselves not to run too fast, even though we knew the wind would push us a bit.  We kept an even pace until we got to 11 miles.  At that point we all felt really strong and stopped reminding each other to slow down.  As we approached mile 12, I said, "I think I am going to slow down for the last 2."  Brooke turned to me and said,"I'm not going to let you, you can do this."  She was right, why did I need to slow down when I was feeling so great?  I continued to run at a pace that felt good, but not too fast for the last few miles.  During the last mile, there are 3 hills that I always dread, but with my 3 friends by my side they helped me push through and we finished strong.  I am so proud of all of us.  We all did an amazing job!

Directly after our run!

A few minutes later, back at the store...we rock!

We ran's the break down:
Mile 1 - 10:03
Mile 2 - 10:05
Mile 3 - 9:58
Mile 4 - 9:31
Mile 5 - 9:48
Mile 6 - 9:41
Mile 7 - 9:44
Mile 8 - 9:39
Mile 9 - 9:45
Mile 10 - 9:43
Mile 11 - 9:49
Mile 12 - 9:25
Mile 13 - 9:15
Mile 14 - 9:22
Time- 2:15:52
Average Pace - 9:40

As a reward and a much needed purchase, I bought a new pair of running shoes.  I love them!  They are the Asics Gel-Kayano 18.  They feel lighter and I'm looking forward to breaking them in over the next few weeks before the race.

My new running shoes!

After this run there are a few numbers to share:
33.5 = miles this week
106.3 = miles so far this month
210.45 = miles so far this year...I know I'll not only make my goal of a 1,000 miles this year, but I will be exceeding it!

What a great run!  I walked away from today feeling as though this is my strongest run to date.  I am looking forward to continuing my improvement!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Kettlebell Class

Over the last few years I have learned to love running as much as I used to hate it, which was a lot.  When I went to the gym, I was the person who avoided the treadmill at all cost.  I would get my cardio on the elliptical or the bike, but NEVER the treadmill.  I would always be sure to get some weights in as well by using the machines and for about a year I worked with a personal trainer one a week.

It's amazing how my focus has changed, especially the last two years, it seemed as though I couldn't get off the treadmill when I'm at the gym.  When I headed to the gym, I run a few miles and stretch.  That's all I would do.  In fact, a few months back, one of the trainers at my gym, Charles, mentioned that I should start working out with him to get some weight training in.  I knew it would be a good idea, but at the time, I didn't want to mess up my training schedule I had for MCM.  And let's be honest, I didn't want to fork out the money either :)

As I began this new training cycle for Rock N Roll Half Marathon, I thought that maybe adding something new would be a good idea. I wasn't seeing the results I wanted in my body, so I figured talking to Charles wouldn't hurt.  As we talked, he shared with me his inspirational story of how he became a trainer and it really made me realized that he cares about the outcome of his clients and he believes in what he does.  It was nice to hear and see a trainer that was involved in his clients lives.  And honestly, what really impressed me is that I happened to mention something about long runs on Saturdays and he remembered that detail.  I know, very small, but I could tell he was committed to being successful in what he does.  Anyway, he told me about different options that I had for classes within the gym.  He mentioned a new Kettlebell Class that was small and offered a more one-on-one experience without breaking the bank.

I started the class almost a month ago and I LOVE IT!  Twice a week, I meet up with a few other people (always less than 5) and take an hour weigh lifting class.  The question that you probably want to know is what is a kettlebell?  These are kettle bells:

These ball size weights with a horn on top vary in range from 5lbs to 35lbs (at least at my gym) and offer a total body workout because of the focus of control.  They offer a wider range of motion than a dumbbell.  I have really learned to push myself and become comfortable with these exercises.  I look forward to going to class and feeling it for the next few days.  I never thought that weigh training would improve my running, but I am finding that it is the only thing I have changed in the last month and I am feeling stronger and faster than I was before.  Of course, I still enjoy the treadmill, but this is a great change a few times a week!  Thanks Charles!

Charles, posing with his kettlebells

Off to kettle bell class...hope it's another good workout!

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Much Needed Run

If you read my post from last night, you can tell that I am in a place in my life where I am figuring things out.  This morning I woke and just wanted to run.  No pressure, just run.  I have been putting a lot of pressure on myself recently and it has become a little unhealthy.  I wanted to run on trail that I have missed because it is out of my way, but I am really glad I made the hike.  This morning, I made the trek to Roosevelt Island where I jumped on the Mount Vernon Trail.

I have run this trail once before, over 2 years ago, but I remembered that it was peaceful and had a great view of Washington from across the Potomac River.  The only goal I had was to run for 30 mins and then turn around and run back.  As I began at Roosevelt Island I focused on just one foot in front of the other.  I felt strong.  As I ran, I looked over to left and saw Washington, it was a beautiful site on a beautiful day.

Views of Washington from the Mount Vernon Trail

Then as I looked over to my right, I realized something.  I was running near Arlington National Cemetery and also the finish line to Marine Corps Marathon.  These 2 places reminded me that there are so many things that I should be thankful for.  I need to remember that millions of people have fought for our freedom and have allowed me to be able to run every day and have helped me fulfill many of my goals without even realizing it.  It gave me a new perspective.  Why was I getting upset because I wasn't making my goal every time out?  It is so stupid, there is no reason why I should be getting upset.  The big picture is much more important.  As I continued to run, I was feeling great!  I ran to Reagan National Airport in 30 mins where I turned around and started heading back.  

Reagan National Airport - Turnaround Point

My last 30 mins I felt so strong.  It was the best run I had ever had.  I know to get to where I need to be it will take more than one run, but this is definitely a great starting point.  I ended up running 6.5 miles averaging a 9:28 mile.  I wasn't thinking about my run and I ran great.  This is what running is all about.

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I know it has been a while since I have written a blog, but I have been really busy.  Between working, running, and trying to have some sort of life it has been difficult for me to get on here.  With all that time though, I have had a lot to think about.  This post is really going to put a lot out there and it is a bit scary for me, but I am not one to sugar coat, so not reason to sugar coat here.

For those of you who know me, you know I am 1-very open and 2-very hard on myself.  I am my own worst enemy, but I will be the first to tell you that.  So here goes nothing...If I look at myself from an outsiders perspective, I see a great person who has a lot of things going for her.  I have a successful career, lots of friends, treat people well, traveled, been successful in riding horses and running.  But if I look at myself in my own eyes, I haven't met my own standards...and that is hard.  I try not to compare myself to other people, but I do.  I try to look at where I have been and where I am now and see the huge gains, but I don't see as much growth as I wish were there.  I am constantly fighting with my own thoughts.

Running is a sport where the LARGE majority of people run for themselves, not to come in first place in the race or their age group.  People run to live healthy lives, to push themselves, to see improvement, but not always to be the best in the sport.  I run for all those reasons as well, but I want to be better.  I push myself to be better and recently it has been hard for me to understand why it isn't coming as fast for me as it is other people.  Don't get me wrong, I love running and everything that comes with it, I just want to see my improvement sooner than I am.

Last weekend I ran the Run Your Heart Out 5k in Reston.  It was cold, freezing in fact.  The temp was 23 degrees, but felt like 10.  There was snow on the ground, but in my head I wanted to PR.  I wanted to run faster than 28:10, my PR from my New Year's Day 5k.  As I ran my first mile, I was right on track to do awesome...I was running a 8:45 mile, but after the first mile marker I slipped on a wooden bridge covered with snow and it really shook me...a lot.  I slowed my pace to 9:45 for the next mile and then picked it during mile 3 to finish in 28:42.  I was really bummed out, but I know I shouldn't have been.  I know I should be thinking, that last summer, all I wanted was to finish a 5k in under 30 mins and I am doing that now, but unless I see constant improvement, I don't see myself as doing well.  With each race I expect to improve, but that doesn't always happen and I have to learn that.  It is really hard for me.

Run Your Heart Out 5k
With Amy, Jodi and Jess

Yesterday I skipped my long run of 12 miles to run another race, the GW Birthday Classic 10k in Alexandria.  I worked really hard this whole week to push myself and feel confident to beat my PR and previous time at this race last year (58:39).  I had my eye on running it in 55:00 or under.  I was confident that I could do it.  Yesterday morning as I headed to the start line, I decided that I wasn't going to focus on my watch and just run strong.  I figured if I needed to push it the last few miles I could.  As it turned out, I ran by feeling and I finished in 56:59...a PR by almost 2 mins.  I should have been ecstatic, but I wasn't.  I just kept thinking, why didn't I do better?  I know I could have pushed myself, but I didn't.  I know if I had I would have been able to make my 55:00 goal.  I can't run the race again, but I need to learn to be proud of where I have come.  Instead, I decided that since I didn't make my time goal, I should keep running to at least get my distance for the day.  So I headed to Burke Lake to finish 12 miles for the day.  It may or may not have been the right thing to do, but I needed to feel successful in some aspect of my running for the day.

I am well aware that I currently have the wrong focus with my running and it is so hard for me to switch my focus.  I read the following quote today:

After reading this I realized I need to read this EVERY DAY.  I am a great person and it is amazing that I have been able to overcome challenges in not just my running, but in life.  I need to be proud of me.  Although I will still focus on improving my running, I also need to focus on the sentence above that says "Be confident with who you are."  It won't happen overnight, but one day I will learn to find the confidence within.