Thursday, February 23, 2012

Kettlebell Class

Over the last few years I have learned to love running as much as I used to hate it, which was a lot.  When I went to the gym, I was the person who avoided the treadmill at all cost.  I would get my cardio on the elliptical or the bike, but NEVER the treadmill.  I would always be sure to get some weights in as well by using the machines and for about a year I worked with a personal trainer one a week.

It's amazing how my focus has changed, especially the last two years, it seemed as though I couldn't get off the treadmill when I'm at the gym.  When I headed to the gym, I run a few miles and stretch.  That's all I would do.  In fact, a few months back, one of the trainers at my gym, Charles, mentioned that I should start working out with him to get some weight training in.  I knew it would be a good idea, but at the time, I didn't want to mess up my training schedule I had for MCM.  And let's be honest, I didn't want to fork out the money either :)

As I began this new training cycle for Rock N Roll Half Marathon, I thought that maybe adding something new would be a good idea. I wasn't seeing the results I wanted in my body, so I figured talking to Charles wouldn't hurt.  As we talked, he shared with me his inspirational story of how he became a trainer and it really made me realized that he cares about the outcome of his clients and he believes in what he does.  It was nice to hear and see a trainer that was involved in his clients lives.  And honestly, what really impressed me is that I happened to mention something about long runs on Saturdays and he remembered that detail.  I know, very small, but I could tell he was committed to being successful in what he does.  Anyway, he told me about different options that I had for classes within the gym.  He mentioned a new Kettlebell Class that was small and offered a more one-on-one experience without breaking the bank.

I started the class almost a month ago and I LOVE IT!  Twice a week, I meet up with a few other people (always less than 5) and take an hour weigh lifting class.  The question that you probably want to know is what is a kettlebell?  These are kettle bells:

These ball size weights with a horn on top vary in range from 5lbs to 35lbs (at least at my gym) and offer a total body workout because of the focus of control.  They offer a wider range of motion than a dumbbell.  I have really learned to push myself and become comfortable with these exercises.  I look forward to going to class and feeling it for the next few days.  I never thought that weigh training would improve my running, but I am finding that it is the only thing I have changed in the last month and I am feeling stronger and faster than I was before.  Of course, I still enjoy the treadmill, but this is a great change a few times a week!  Thanks Charles!

Charles, posing with his kettlebells

Off to kettle bell class...hope it's another good workout!

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