- Become single one month before my marathon
- Ran my first marathon in 4:43:12
- Ran my first 15k in 1:33:06 (very poorly organized...never sign up for a Hot Chocolate Race)
- Signed up for my second Distance Training Program with Potomac River Running
- Signed up for the National Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon in March with a goal time of 2 hours
- Ran two 5ks one day after the next PRing each time with 28:41 and 28:10 (I know I can do better because neither day was an ideal running day for me)
Jessica, Abby, and I before the News Day 5k
I am sure there have been a lot of other changes in my life, but one thing for sure is that I am the happiest I have ever been. My running has helped me stay focused and in a great place. If you had asked me a few years ago why I run, my answer would not have been to stay happy and now when I want time to self-reflect...I run.
As I begin the new year, I think about my goals for running. I have two goals that I am going to focus on for 2012: 1-Run at least 1,000 miles and 2-Run National Rock 'n Roll Half Marathon in 2:00:00 or under. The first goal seems like a HUGE goal, but when broken down it is just a little under 20 miles a week on average. This first week, I ran 21.7 miles without pushing myself at all. I have to say I think I'm off to a good start. My second goal is one that I will really have to work at. I am not a fast runner and I enjoy just running at whatever pace I feel like for the day, which ranges between 9:30-10:30 on average. In order to run 13.1 miles in under 2 hours, I will have to run each mile in 9:09 mins or faster. I know I can do it, but I will just have to focus on my goal during each run. The race is on March 17 so I have just a little more than 2 months to push myself past my comfort zone.
In the mean time, I have already put together my race schedule for the next few months:
- Feb 12 - Love the Run Your With 5k
- Feb 18 - GW Classic 10k
- March 4 - Reston 10 miler
- March 17 - National 1/2 Marathon
- March 18 - Race for Haiti 5k (Maybe as a shake out run)
- April 1 - Cherry Blossom 10 miler
- April 22 - GW Parkway 10 miler
Be on the look out for more blogs as I reflect on my running MUCH more regularly than I have in the past few months :)
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